Dear Faith Family,
On October 31st, the Eve of All Saints Day, we welcomed Archbishop Richard Henning to the Archdiocese of Boston at a Mass of Installation. I hope that you were able to see at least some of the Mass, especially the homily.
Archbishop Henning led us on an exploration of what and how we believe as Church. The emphasis in the credal statements of God being Father and Creator spoke to my heart. Even more than that, the Archbishop introduced a phrase to me that I keep going back to (as I heard it): “Whenever human beings think they are gods, everyone else has to be slaves.” Our God is the God of freedom and reconciliation. When other people or institutions become gods to us, we are not free. May we have the courage to be free, to worship the one and true God, and to live as a disciple of His mercy.
The installation was attended by more than 1,400 people representing all corners of the Archdiocese. I was proud to be in procession with about 500 priests. It was very edifying to be with my brother Boston priests as we welcomed our new spiritual father to the Archdiocese of Boston.
This weekend we will be holding a special collection to support the people of the Southeast of the United States that have been gravely affected by the recent hurricanes. Thank you for doing what you can to help.
We have begun two projects that you may have noticed. The first is the re-location of the Blessed Mother Statue from the lawn near the Collaborative Center to next to St. Agnes Church. Once in place the statue will be cleaned. In May we will commemorate the move with a Crowning of Mary. Second, after several months we acquired the permit to put a wall separating Hope Hall from Mercy Chapel. This will allow us to have multiple programs in the lower church, with minimal conflict. The construction will take a few weeks. Once the construction is complete, we will be planning for frequent adoration in Mercy Chapel.
May God bless you with the fullness of freedom and faith.
In Christ,
Fr. Marc