proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, and forming missionary disciples sent to transform the world through prayer, study, generosity, and evangelization. We believe that clergy and laity together share a co-responsibility in continuing the mission of Jesus Christ in our homes, our churches, and our local communities.
When we are spiritually healthy, we are better equipped to handle the challenges of day-to-day life. God speaks to us in silence. We encounter Him throughout the course of our day. When we cultivate a relationship with Him, we better understand His purpose and will in our lives.
The genius of Catholicism is that everything makes sense once you commit to “becoming the best-version-of-yourself” or “to grow in holiness.” Our worldview is made up of millions of thoughts, beliefs, experiences, and prejudices. We have blind spots. Jesus challenged worldviews; therefore, we are called to do the same. Life is about continuing to say yes to growth and understanding.
God is generous; therefore, generosity is at the heart of the Christian life. While the world deceives us by telling us what we don't have, God draws us into a conversation about our abundant blessings. We are at our best when we are grateful. It permeates every corner of our lives.
Faith is best shared through friendship. What we do today in the world will shape it for tomorrow. Evangelization is to the Church what breathing is to a person.
Whether you are new to the area, have been away from the Church for a while, or are simply exploring where God may be calling you, please explore our community through this website or reach out to us at 781.648.0220 or through [email protected]. We would be humbled to accompany you.
The Catholic Parishes of Arlington
St. Camillus Church
1185 Concord Tpke
Arlington, MA 02476
The Sullivan Center at St. Camillus
1185 Concord Tpke
Arlington, MA 02476
St. Agnes Church
32 Medford Street
Arlington, MA 02474
Priest Residence
24 Medford Street
Arlington, MA 02474
Collaborative Pastoral Center ("The Center")
51 Medford Street
Arlington, MA 02474
Saint Agnes School
39 Medford Street
Arlington, MA 02474
Saint Agnes School Early Learning Center
51 Medford Street
Arlington, MA 02474
Arlington Catholic High School ("AC")
16 Medford Street,
Arlington, MA 02474
Fidelity House ("FIHO")
25 Medford Street
Arlington, MA 02474
How do I find out more information about the Catholic Parishes of Arlington?
Our Pastoral Staff is available to welcome you to the community. Please feel free to contact any of us with your questions. You can reach us by checking out our Staff page.
How do I become a participating member of St. Agnes or St. Camillus?
Simply complete a registration form, available by calling the Collaborative Pastoral Center at 781-648-0220, download it here, or complete it online here.
I am interested in having my infant baptized, where should I begin?
Congratulations! We are happy to help you with this special time in your family’s life. For more information about Baptism, check here.
Do I have to live within Arlington in order to be registered here?
The Catholic Parishes of Arlington are open to anyone, regardless of where you reside.
What parish programs are available?
Visit our Ministries/Volunteer page to find out what is available to serve you or open to your involvement. We work hard to have something for everyone, and your participation is invited and encouraged!
What about sacraments for adults?
Adult Confirmation
A number of Catholics missed out on the preparation for Confirmation as teenagers, or have perhaps been away from Church and are now being drawn to a fuller and deeper relationship with God through their faith. Confirmation is the Sacrament that completes the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation) into the Church. Learn more here.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Are you interested in the Catholic faith? We most often have a group of people forming in September and receiving the Sacraments of Initiation around Easter of the following year. There are additional opportunities to become connected with the Church throughout the year. We welcome an opportunity to visit with you and discuss your hopes for your faith journey. Please contact the Collaborative Pastoral Center (781-648-0220).
Matrimony and Marriage Preparation
I want to have my wedding at the Church, or would like to talk about my marriage preparations, who do I contact? For information about planning your wedding, check here. It is most efficient to contact the parish BEFORE making reception commitments. In this way, a couple may be made aware of the dates and times available for weddings, whether a Mass or the wedding ceremony itself. Please keep in mind that it is not possible for a priest or deacon of this archdiocese to preside at a wedding outdoors or at a location other than a Catholic Church.
Anointing of the Sick
Learn more about the anointing of the sick here. Visits and communion to the sick or homebound are part of our pastoral care ministry. For more information please contact the Collaborative Pastoral Center.