The Collaborative Pastoral Council of the Catholic Parishes of Arlington (“CPC”) is comprised of 12 (six from St. Camillus and six from St. Agnes) elected community members, the Parish Clergy, and two Staff members. Together, they work with the staff to guide the work and community life of the Collaborative. In addition, one youth member (a person from 14 to 19 years of age and in High School) will be appointed to the Council. Youth may be nominated as well.
Council members will be elected to serve 2-year terms beginning in September 2021. Elections will be held for six seats (3 from each parish annually). Terms are renewable twice (no more than 4 years). The Pastor can appoint members ex officio as required to best serve the community. The CPC is not a legislative body. It is an essential advisor to the Pastor.
What does the Collaborative Pastoral Council do?
The Council meets seven to ten times per year as a group to reflect on issues facing the community and to work with the clergy and staff to implement and evaluate the pastoral plan. Council members assist the Pastor and the Staff in long-term planning. Members sit on standing or ad hoc committees such as Prayer, Study, Evangelization, and Generosity. The Council also liaises with the Parish Finance Councils as needed and runs the annual Pastoral Council election. The time commitment is approximately 10 hours per month.
Why is the Collaborative Pastoral Council important?
The Collaborative is a large and multi-faceted community, and the Pastoral Council is our primary vehicle for “connecting the dots” of the many groups and ministries active in our faith family.
Any registered member of St. Camillus or St. Agnes Parishes may be nominated for consideration to be a member of the Pastoral Council. Those nominated should demonstrate the willingness to serve their fellow parishioner by furthering the mission of the Catholic Church. Some thoughts for consideration before nominating or accepting nomination:
Anyone interested in being nominated for consideration of service to the Pastoral Council are to have their names put into nomination during the two-week discernment period. The week following the discernment period, those nominated will be contacted to ascertain if they would accept the nominations. The following Sunday, the members will be chosen by lot during a Mass at the corresponding parish, a commissioning prayer service will be held prior to the first meeting.
Please feel free to reach out to Fr. Marc or Scott Morin to discuss and ask questions about serving on the Council.